Tag Archives: Jon Stewart

60 Minutes: Mortgage Paperwork Mess, Bank Servicers Committing Fraud

I had heard about this “robo” signing. But here exposed by 60 Minutes is the story of how they did it. Its simply amazing that the banks and Wall Street created the recession that we are in, but they continue their shoddy practice without regulation even today! Banks can’t find their paper work, so why not fake it and sign anybodies name on the fake paper work. If you or I did that, we would be in jail in a heartbeat, but not the banks. The banks create whatever they need to suit their purpose.

How about punishment, do you think any of the CEO’s of any of these banks are going to jail? What do you think?

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Jon Stewart’s impassioned speech at ‘Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear’

The enemy, Jon Stewart told the masses gathered on the Mall in Washington Saturday for his “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear,” is not people of faith, or activists, or those who want to have passionate argument, or those on the right, or those on the left.

The enemy, he argued, is not Americans at all. It is instead the false image of Americans being pushed by the cable news-driven media – what he called “the country’s 24-hour politico pundit perpetual panic conflictinator – that he said is broken and making the country’s problems worse.

“If we amplify everything, we hear nothing,” Stewart said, accusing media outlets of fear mongering and spotlighting extremists instead of reasonable Americans. He later added that the press is America’s immune system – and “if it overreacts to everything, we actually get sicker.”

Stewart’s comments came toward the end of the three-hour rally that attracted about 215,000 to the Mall according to an estimate commissioned by CBS News, with a message of standing up for reasonable dialogue.

Jon Stewart vs Jim Cramer

It seems bad enough that as I wrote in my blog yesterday, when subprime mortgage loans were showing signs that they were toxic, Wall Street simply re-packaged subprime mortgages into a new costume and called the loans Al-A mortgages. In other words, they took the subprime loans and called it by a different name. Both subprime and Alt-A loans were sold across the financial industry as funds called securitisatins. Insurance firms who bought the re-dressed Alt A securitisatins will be forced sellers since they cannot hold securities below investment grade.

Now, watching  Jon Stewart weight into Jim Cramer, it’s obvious that Wall Street has been playing with our 401K and retirement funds. Cramer admitted under stress, that Wall Street is taking our funds and playing the stock market with it by short selling.  He also admitted that he did short selling and at one time advised people that it was OK to do so. But now he says that it should be stopped! 

I’m the last one to believe in Government intervening in the public sector, but the boys on Wall Street are playing with your money and mine. So where was the oversight of Bernard Madoff, Sir Allen Steward, the repackaging of the subprime  loans, the large intuitional short sellers that can sway the market? Are we asking the fox to guard the hen house?

Many people are being forced into foreclosure because they are losing their jobs and can’t afford to make their mortgage payments.  You know, people who are saying that the Government should not help people who are defaulting on their mortgage may be right.  Maybe Wall Street and the banks should be the ones bailing out the homeowners that have lost their jobs because of their greed.

If you missed the show here is the link