Tag Archives: animals

Have a Pet Business? Add an Online Channel to Multiply Your Sales

by Lisa J. Lehr

If you own a small business in the Grass Valley-Nevada City area, you may already feel that your livelihood is precarious. Small business are getting shoved out by large chains, and in “this economy,” customers set aside some of their loyalty to locally-owned businesses in favor of stretching their own purchasing power.

If you own a pet-related business in this area, you may be worried about what’s happening in the local economy. But don’t give up hope! By adding an online channel to your business, you’ll be able to reach outside the local area to bring in customers (and their money) from all over the country.

America is a nation of animal lovers. We provide homes for pets in greater numbers than any other country on earth; most households in America have at least one pet, and those pets are cherished family members. And most people in the pet products and services business do what they do for the love of animals—not for the love of money.

Yet the money is there for the taking. Pets are the new status symbols; a well cared-for pet is a sign of achievement. Check out these figures from the AAHA’s 2004 (US and Canadian) Pet Owner Survey:

* 94% think their pet has human like personality traits.
* 93% would risk their own life for their pet.
* 87% include pets in their holiday celebrations.
* 84% consider themselves Mom or Dad to the pet.
* 82% think of their pets at least once a day when they’re away.
* 80% said “companionship” is the major reason for having a pet.
* 78% greet their pet at the door before they greet their spouse.
* 67% of pet-containing households recognize pet birthdays.
* 62% sign letters or cards as being from their pets as well as themselves.
* 57% would rather have a pet than a person with them if stranded on a deserted island.
* 55% have an emergency preparedness plan that includes their pet.
* 43% of pets (not including fish and snakes) share beds with their people.
* 36% say their pet enjoys watching TV.
* 33% talk to their pets on the phone or through the answering machine.
* 25% say they brush their pet’s teeth.
* 24% of dog owners sometimes dress their pets.
* 18% have attended a birthday party for someone else’s pet.

Now, as you look at this list of statistics, you may notice a theme: pet owners increasingly treat their pets like people. As the number of children per household declines, the number of pets is increasing. Baby boomers, a powerful segment of today’s market, are quickly becoming empty-nesters and replacing their grown two-legged children with four-legged ones. Indeed, many people now call themselves pet parents or guardians rather than “owners.” Thus we have a hugely profitable strategy for entrepreneurs in the pet business: position pets as members of the family. With this in mind, you can create human-like products for pets:

  • ·         Gourmet and specialty pet foods.
  • ·         Doggy and kitty treat cookbooks.
  • ·         Pet clothing.
  • ·         Human-type pet furniture.
  • ·         Coordinating “Mommy and pet” jewelry.
  • ·         Designer pet carriers, buggies, and strollers.
  • ·         High-end grooming products, such as aromatherapy baths.
  • ·         Pet birthday party supplies.

All of these can shipped to online buyers, and you can probably locate drop-shippers to streamline the process.

So if you’re a pet-business owner in Nevada County who’s struggling with the economy and the encroachment of big-box stores, you may be able to give your business a boost by offering your products to a national customer base. Get a website. Set it up to sell. Create a system to capture your site visitors, keep in touch with them, and keep them coming back.

If you don’t know how to do this, get help from someone who does.

Lisa J. Lehr is a writer and copywriter as well as animal lover living in Grass Valley. She can help you promote your business with a full range of online and offline marketing pieces. A member of Empire Toastmasters, she’s available to speak to your business or professional group. Visit her website www.justrightcopy.com for more information, opt in for a message series, and receive a free Marketing Guide.

Lisa J. Lehr
I write words that make you money–just ask me how.
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Coyotes in Paradise – Watch Your Pets In Nevada County!

by Lisa J. Lehr

Most of us living in Nevada County moved here because we like the rural environment. Rural environments include wildlife, and that, for the most part, is a plus; however, most of us also share our lives with beloved pets, and clashes between wildlife and pets often end in heartache for the pet owner.

Coyotes are a particularly ubiquitous wild critter here in Nevada County, and pets falling prey to coyotes is a far too common occurrence. The consolation—if there is any—is that, compared to a car accident, dog attack, or abduction by a person with evil intentions, death by coyote is quick and, as far as we know, relatively suffering-free. Coyotes kill to eat, and they do it efficiently.

Still, it is heartbreaking to lose a cherished pet, and it is our responsibility to take care of them.

Coyotes are difficult to eradicate. They are becoming alarmingly unafraid of humans, with daytime sightings becoming more frequent. Trapping and relocating coyotes is not as good an idea as it may sound, as any young coyotes orphaned by this process will seek easy prey—e.g., our pets.

They can be frightened, so if you see one, try shaking a noisemaker (like a can full of hardware) or throwing things at it. Fire a Super Soaker (high-powered toy water gun) filled with water or vinegar.

More often, though, we don’t see them lurking around our property, as they are naturally nocturnal. The key to keeping coyotes away from your home (and your pets, your children, and you) is to eliminate all that attracts coyotes—mainly food. Coyotes are generalists, meaning they’ll eat just about anything.

With that in mind:

·         Keep your cats and small dogs indoors at night; your medium and large dogs, too. Coyotes hunting in packs can take down a fairly big animal.

·         Rabbits, chickens, etc. that are kept outdoors need protection: strong fencing with a top, and/or a small enclosure inside it that they can hide in.

·         Don’t let your pets’ food become coyote bait. Cats are best fed indoors, and dogs should be fed only what they will eat all at once, with no leftovers.

·         Be careful with your birdfeeders. Place them close to your house, and clean up spills. Do not feed squirrels, deer, or other wildlife. Any naturalist will tell you that birds are the only wild critters we should feed.

·         Put garden compost in enclosed bins, and gather your ripe fruits and vegetables immediately. Continue reading Coyotes in Paradise – Watch Your Pets In Nevada County!

Fun Tuesday-Slow Loris

Slow Loris are  primates 10 to 15 long and weigh about 610 to 1000 grams. Although very cute with their large eyes, they can give you a very painful bite, since their teeth are full of toxins. Because of their cuteness they are sold on the open markets as pets in Asia and with destruction of the rain forest, they may become an endangered species. They are really cute and maybe we can bring awareness to help save these beautiful animals.

After watching these videos, for more information go to Slow Loris Research 

Tickle me some more!

Time for lunch.