Are You Ready for Google Reader’s Demise?


Video: Google Reader Shutting Down! How To Export and 7 Alternatives

The announcement earlier this spring that Google would be shuttering its news aggregation and RSS service (known as Google Reader) prompted tech bloggers and readers at Lifehacker to chime in with worthy, free alternatives.

  • The Old Reader might be the best alternative for Google devotees who don’t like change. Users can sign in via Google, but the similarities don’t end there. The app even “looks a lot like Google Reader… You get many of the same keyboard shortcuts, and even get the same ability to follow other Old Reader users and share interesting stories with them—the way you used to be able to with Google Reader,” writes LifeHacker’s Alan Henry.
  • NewsBlur is described as the alternative reader that is “more fun” and “easy on the eyes” than its counterparts. Be aware that free accounts are capped at 64 blogs, 10 stories at a time, and by specific public sharing options. The pro version is relatively inexpensive though, at just $24 a year.
  • Feedly is a reader favorite at LifeHacker for its layout options, rich social experience, and clever news suggestion algorithm. But if you’re looking for a web app, you may want to look elsewhere; Feedly is really more of a browser add-on, unless you’re reading on a mobile device.
  • Netvibes is for the Google Reader user who catches up on their computer. While they have mobile sites, the full, editable dashboard does not come in a truly mobile version. But if you’re looking for a new homepage to greet you each morning, this might be the one. The dashboard includes neat widgets for weather, finance, and news.
  • Pulse will satisfy your inner designer. Praised by the late Steve Jobs and winner of the coveted Apple Design prize, this reader and news aggregator will help you track your current feeds within an appealing user experience. Pulse’s algorithm is also praised by Lifehacker for being “great at lifting the interesting stories to the top” and finding other news you might be interested in.

Each of these products includes the option to import your existing Google Reader feeds. But Lifehacker also put together a handy guide to exporting your Google Reader data, if you should run into any problems doing so.

Source: “5 Best Google Reader Alternatives” (March 17, 2013)
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