Tag Archives: trashing foreclosed homes

Foreclosed Homes Trashed by Previous Owners

Not too long ago I wrote an article about people trashing their homes during the foreclosure process. Somehow, they feel that its the mortgage company’s fault that the home they bought is now in foreclosure.

(Note, if you cannot see the video, download Adobe Flashplayer)

Although this video is a few months old, it’s still shows what happens to many of the homes that have been foreclosed on. The reason I’m reposting about trashed forclosed homes, is because just the other day I know someone that moved out of their condo which will soon be in foreclosure. Abandoning the condo, they decided to take the kitchen stove, built-in micro wave, the dishwasher and some of the light fixtures, none of which is personal propery and is an integral part of the condo. The condo will soon be in foreclosure, since they are not making any more mortgage payments. They decided that the place was not worth the price they paid for the condo. So much about honoring any part of your debt.

I’d appreciate your comments on this article.