Tag Archives: Civil Engineer

How the Shutdown is Affecting Real Estate

Tommy Ironic on Flicker
Tommy Ironic on Flicker

The government shutdown is starting to cripple the real estate business just as it was starting a comeback.  You might ask how this is happening, well,  here are just some of the reasons.

  1. FHA and VA loans are being delayed because of lack of staff
  2. USDA loans which are for low income borrowers, have ground to a complete halt.
  3. IRS is down, so FHA and conventional loans cannot verify tax documents, delaying or killing loans.

All this means that real estate deals are being put on hold, or in some cases, just falling apart. There is a real good chance if this idiotic shutdown continues that interest rates will climb. A one percent increase in the interest rate and shutdown could mean a decline in 450,000 home sales. Welcome to another depression, thanks some die hard conservatives.

John J. O’Dell
Real Estate Broker
Civil Engineer
General Contractor

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Fire Safe Council Offers 2014 Firewise Calendar


The Fire Safe Council of Nevada County in cooperation with the Allstate Foundation, County of Nevada and the National Firewise Communities Association are offering residents in Nevada County free defensible space advisory visits to educate citizens about Defensible Space. Complete your visit in October or November and get a 2014 Firewise Calendar.

California Public Resources Code 4291 requires every landowner to “maintain around and adjacent to the building or structure a firebreak made by removing and clearing away, for a distance of not less than 100’ on each side of the building or structure or to the property line, whichever is nearer, all flammable vegetation or other combustible growth”.

In addition, this code allows insurance companies to require

landowners to maintain their vegetation.

We live in a wildland urban interface area which has the potential for catastrophic wildfire.

Receive custom advice about:

  • Building materials
  • Fire facts
  • How to manage the vegetation on your property
  • Plant species considered “high fire risk”
  • Proper clearance from structures
  • Proper signage for your property
  • Answers to any questions you might have about the defensible space around your structures
  • And a variety of other helpful information

In addition, you will be provided with referrals for contractors and other resources that could help you achieve your fuel objectives.

Advisors will inform residents about:

  • The burn permit process
  • The California Forest Improvement Program (CFIP)
  • The FSCNC Chipping Program
  • The FSCNC Special Needs Assistance Program

Sign up online at www.areyoufiresafe.com,

email info@areyoufiresafe

or Call 530-272-1122


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For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
Email jodell@nevadacounty.com


Nevada County Fairgrounds Hosts Job Fair For 2013 Fair Season

English: Baker, La., August 17, 2006 - During ...
. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)










The Nevada County Fairgrounds will host a job fair to fulfill its hiring needs for this year’s Fair season. The Nevada County Fair job fair will be held on Thursday, May 16, from 2 – 6 pm in the Main Street Center at the Nevada County Fairgrounds.

If you are interested in working at the Fairgrounds during the 2013 Fair season, plan to attend this event. Fair staff will be accepting applications from 2 – 6 pm for all departments, as well as conducting interviews on site. Some of the jobs available include gate cashiers, ticket monitors, “red shirt” patrols, exhibit crew, exhibit entry clerk, clean-up crew, and parking crew.

Employment applications, as well as available jobs and job descriptions are posted on the Fair’s website at www.NevadaCountyFair.com.  Applications will also be available on the day of the job fair.

The 2013 Nevada County Fair is August 7 – 11. For information, call (530) 273-6217 or visit NevadaCountyFair.com.

By: Wendy Oaks

Publicist, Nevada County Fairgrounds
(530) 273-6217

Website: www.NevadaCountyFair.com
Facebook: Nevada County Fairgrounds

Nevada County Fair                          August 7 – 11, 2013

Draft Horse Classic                            September 19 – 22, 2013

Halloween at the Fairgrounds      October 26, 2013

Country Christmas Faire                  November 29 – December 1, 2013

For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
Email jodell@nevadacounty.com


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World’s Funniest Dog Video


This video has been viewed almost 30,000,00 times.  After losing my dog Angel last month, it’s nice that dogs bring laughter into  our  hearts in more than many ways.

I hope you enjoy the video.
For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
Email jodell@nevadacounty.com


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Gold Drops, Real Estate Shines Again

Chart credit: Blanchard http://www.blanchardonline.com/market_charts/
Chart credit: Blanchard http://www.blanchardonline.com/market_charts/


Now that gold prices have dropped like a brick, real estate is starting to shine again.  Back in August 2011, when gold was at its peak, investors were asked where they’d want to keep their money long-term. According to a Gallup poll, 34% said gold was the best investment.

Now, only 24% of investors say gold is a good investment..  Real estate essentially ties gold for the best investment currently, at 25% to 24%, respectively. In August 2011, 19% of those surveyed listed real estate as their top choice.

Stocks also are more popular, with about 22% saying the market is the best long-term place for their investment dollars. In August 2011, 17% had that view.

“Stocks have been booming and real estate has been recovering in recent months, likely contributing to the decline in gold’s perceived investment status,” Gallup researchers noted in a prepared statement released late Tuesday.

Gold still has its standard bearers, of course. Though investors no longer are rushing to gold, solid support comes from men over 50 years old, while Americans who consider themselves politically independent favor gold over stocks almost two-to-one: 26% to 15%.

Source: Market Watch


For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
Email jodell@nevadacounty.com


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The Top 10 Real Estate Tax Deductions for Homeowners

popular tax time apps verizon wireless midwest area image by vzwmidwestarea.com
popular tax time apps verizon wireless midwest area image by vzwmidwestarea.com

As the time to file income taxes approaches, we need to take a new look at the changing tax landscape for homeowners. The dynamic atmosphere in Washington, D.C. has a different effect each year on which tax breaks are proposed, rescinded, changed, and extended for taxpayers who own a home.

Thanks to the efforts of many real estate industry groups including the National Association of Realtors, many of the  tax benefits that homeowners enjoy–which were on the chopping block over the past few months–have been protected and extended through the 2013 tax season.

Disclaimer – This is only an informational summary of current tax issues in the news. If you need tax advice, please contact a tax attorney or CPA



For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
Email jodell@nevadacounty.com


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China Builds a Hotel in 15 Days


How about assembling a hotel onsite in  fifteen days. Well, they did it in China.  When I was there they built a freeway in six months that would take us 6 years to construct.
For all your real estate needs

For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
Email jodell@nevadacounty.com
