Tag Archives: Nevada County snow fall

Snow Pictures From My Deck

My house is located in Cascade Shores, outside of Nevada City.  I’ve used a GPS and the elevation of the house is 3,700 feet.  On a clear day, you can see Scotts Flat Lake.  On a very clear day, you can see the Coast Range Mountains, but there aren’t too many days when that happens. I took these shots at around 8 am this morning.  There’s 12 to 14 inches of snow, depending upon where I measured on the deck.

Looks like a nice Christmas Tree

The top outside edge of the hot tub has 14 inches of snow.

There's 12 inches of snow on top of the table
There's 12 inches of snow on top of the table
Looking downward from deck
Looking downward from deck

Snow in Nevada County December 7, 2009

Scotts Flat Lake about 8 am this morning  December 7, 2009 (from my deck)
Scotts Flat Lake about 8 am this morning December 7, 2009 (from my deck)

We’ve finally had a real snow fall in Nevada County last night and early this morning. We’ve also had the power go out in Cascade Shores, (where I live), last night for about 4 hours.

I measured the amount of snowfall this morning on my back deck after it stopped snowing and it came in at 11 inches. The pictures tell the rest of the story.

Looking down Broad Street Nevada City December 7, 2009
Looking down Broad Street Nevada City December 7, 2009


Another shot from my deck

Starting to Clear Scotts Flat Lake 12:30 pm December 7, 2009
Starting to Clear Scotts Flat Lake 12:30 pm December 7, 2009